Unfortunately, there’s no single hack that allows you to get a huge traffic to your website. Sorry. We’re pretty sure that you want to find some tricks that helps you to get the 50 000 visitors by using some simple steps - for example, keywords and image optimization, snippet and page speed optimization and so on. But it just doesn’t happen that way. Instead, you have to use a combination of different strategies and only this way is pretty correct.
How Can You Get 50 000 Unique Visitors?
So the key point to get so many visitors (even more, 100k or million) is the safe play. Well, it’s quite unusual, right? Safe play? It’s not that stuff that a lot of marketers and SEO-specialists would like to hear.
But saying the safe play we have in mind slow. Why it so? Because a multifaceted, slow and steady approach to SEO will be your bargaining chip over the quick and simple tricks.
First of all, let’s take a look at the SEMrush graphic that tells us about the most important SEO elements:

We can infer that the Google traffic is a combination of social, paid, search and direct traffic. Moreover, all of these elements are important for your website and you should use all of these elements (in some or another form) for the huge traffic.
You need all of those strategies and more if you really want to pull high-quality, unique site visitors off of Google and other places around the web.
Honestly, our advices not hacks as is, because they haven’t very fast and easy ways to get what you want. But they are hacks in the sense that they’ll take some of the pressure off.
So here are the best ways (or advices) for getting more than 50,000 website visitors.
Hire a good writer to improve your content strategy
You probably heard about the fact that the content is king. You heard that thousands times and it’s true - content is one of the best ways to get high quality SEO traffic.
Additionally to indexed pages (which also helps you in Google visibility), it’s also cheap compared to other methods that can bring a traffic to your website.

You can always find freelance writers on sites like Fiverr, Upwork, or WeWorkRemotely. So there’s no real excuse not to create content with the help of someone else. Another one good idea is to use the services from the professional digital marketing agency (for example Page Potato or so on).
Promote your content in new places
You have a good content? It’s great! But it’s not enough to have a good content, you should also find the good places where that content will be popular and where you can get high quality and relevance traffic.
Here are some examples:
Infographics. Submit it to Infographic Directories, tweet about it, send out press releases, share it on Pinterest or Disqus, Use Paid Ads or Facebook Sponsored Stories and so on.
Articles. Submit it to the sites that accepting guest posts, tell about they to influencers, publish it on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks.

Of course, you should also try to search new backlinking opportunities and build relationships with the key influencers.
Fix your metadata
No matter the content you’re producing, you still have to make an effort with your metadata.
Meta descriptions, for instance, are short blurbs that describe your page’s content accurately and concisely.
Without keywords in your meta descriptions, there’s less for Google to use. According to Evolving SEO, there are three ingredients to traffic-driving metadata:

You need to include the customer’s problem that your content is solving, a solution, and an emotional outcome.
Target Long-Tail Keywords
While short-tail keywords are often searched more frequently, it is more difficult to rank for them on search engines. Targeting long-tail keywords, on the other hand, gives you a better chance of ranking higher (even on the first page) for queries specific to your products and services—and higher ranking means more traffic. Plus, as search engines and voice-to-text capabilities advance, people are using more specific phrases to search online.
Also don’t forget to use special tools that can help you in this case. For example, you can use keywordtool.io for the finding the great keywords you need, make the website rank check with the SpySerp and use the LSIgraph (LSI keyword generator) for the long-tail keywords.
Tap Into Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is HUGE right now.
And there’s a good reason for this: getting an influential person on Instagram, YouTube or Facebook to endorse your product can lead to a flood of traffic.
Fortunately, this approach doesn’t require as much gruntwork as it used to. Instead, you can use “Influencer Marketplaces” like FameBit to connect with influencers that are interested in promoting your stuff.
Guest Blogging
Probably you heard about that about thousands times. But the guest blogging stay one of the best ways to get the traffic to your website. When you write a guest blog post, you typically get at least one link in your author bio. Some bloggers also allow you to put one or two links in the body of the post (dofollow or nofollow, it doesn’t matter).
These links can help you build your domain authority on your website, drive traffic from the blog’s audience, and boost your rankings in the SERPs. Guest blogging is ideal for anyone who wants to boost traffic and rankings in one fell swoop.
Look for blogs written by people who are not direct competitors of your business, but whose niches relate to yours. For instance, if you create fitness online courses, you could write a guest post for an exercise blogger who makes money through affiliate links.
Don’t forget about featured snippets
If you really want to increase your organic search traffic, you should use the featured snippets. What is it? Featured snippet is a part of the content that shows in the Google search strictly after any ads posts.
They looks like this one:

You should note one important thing: featured snippet can come from the pages that don’t ranking first on the SERP.

As you can see on the screenshot, MOZ have the rank #1 on the SERP, but HubSpot has the featured snippet, even though they’re not the first search result. Guess who get more traffic? Indeed it will be HubSpot.
As we said before, this guide is not a simple way to get a huge traffic. Anybody can give you the brilliant one-step idea which make your website shine. Thus, you should create your own approach to get the traffic, given the guide below. Hire good copywriters. Create the really great content. Promote it and optimize it. Share it around influencers. Don’t forget about on-page optimization. If none of those things work (or even if they do), consider buying other blogs to direct that traffic back to you. Only in this way your website budget is going to something that can actually drive real traffic.